Friday, May 27, 2005

I wish I could fly ....

We are going to Virginia Beach for coming weekend. So I will be missing my weekly cricket over here. My friends used to tell me that I play good cricket, only thing is I am a poor fielder, needs lots of improvement in batting and they used tell me not to bowl as I can't fit into the definition of a Bowler. So except fielding, batting and bowling everything was fine with my cricket!

Neways, I always wished I could fly like this guy below :D






There are good things in my plate for the coming weekend. I behave like a (more) crazy person when I go into sea. I am absofuckinglutely crazy about the sea! So pretty much exited about this trip. First time I will be going into sea in UStayAlone here!

Yes check this :


For more details click here : Chesapeake Bay Bridge