I miss YOU so much!
I feel like a Void deep inside me...
like an empty mind n' emptier heart ...
I can't speak a word ...
when she asks me that question ...
I told her its not in my hands...
though I know its not true...
Still I don't know why I keep saying it again n' again..
when she asks me that question...
She tells me she is missing me...
n' I know I miss her too...
But I can't tell her this...
when she asks me that question...
I miss the warmth of her love...
her scolding... her caring...
still I feel her care for me...
when she asks me that question...
Yesterday I called you my mother...
And you asked me the same question...
"when are you coming home my son..."
I left it unanswered as usual...
without a single word...
Just to let her know...
I miss her so much...
I miss her so much...!
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