Bloggers and S/W Professionals
Recently I had a chat with my friend Teliphone on Yahoo about Bloggers ! Here we go :
Teliphone: u there?
Teliphone: reply only if not busy....
me : yeah
Teliphone: hmmm
Teliphone: why I asked if you r busy or not is...
Teliphone: I am going to blog right here..
Teliphone: so r u ready?
me : very much
me : I am good at listening
me : (grinning)
Teliphone: In my opinion... the work and money are inversely proportional..
Teliphone: so less you work.. you earn more..
Teliphone: i am not talking about the rate of earning money (money/work = infinity if work -> 0) but actual amount of money...
Teliphone: at least this is applicable to software industry...
Teliphone: so ppl who don't work and read others blog earn a lot..
me : (smile)
Teliphone: and those who write those blog instead of working earn even more..
me : (fainted)
Teliphone: I think I should go and grab the 5th coffee of the day..
me : I too need it desperately !
Would appreciate if you share your blogs with me so that I can read them and get more money ! (he he )
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