I m book-tagged!
I admit that I am not a good reader. I mean I used to read lots of Marathi books when I was in school. But when I joined college, I didn’t have time to read my study books, so forget about reading others books! When I started working, I didn’t have time to read various manuals (Never read a single manual till date, still doing fine!), so forget about reading other books! But as I am tagged by NY, let me put some of the few “lucky” books which had a privilege of myself reading them J
Books I own:
Godfather, Alchemist, Most of the Pu La Deshpande/ Va Pu Kale books, Microelectronics by Milman and Grabel
Last few books I bought (was 15 months back):
Alchemist, A Beautiful Mind, 11 minutes, The Pilgrimage.
Last book that was gifted to me:
The Life of Swami Vivekananda - By his Eastern and Western Disciples.
Few books that I have read (nothing in last 15 months):
1) The Alchemist:
Do I need to tell details about this book?
"To realize one's destiny is a person's only obligation"
Abhay says I can pakavufy anybody anywhere anytime on the planet Earth with the quotes from this book. Absofuckinglutely loved this book. Have given this book as present to more than 5 (different) people!
My favorite quote :"When you dream something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."And you know what, I am not the only one. Read this :
"When I'm on the set with young actors and sometimes you meet people in life who you feel they are a little confused and they want to be re-centered, there are two books that I always recommend. One of them is Siddhartha...and the other is The Alchemist. I've used them in other situations as well when teenage sons or daughters of friends of mine have a question or two. They are very basic, rich, philosophical allegories. I always recommend they take the afternoon off and just read it in one hit."
-- Russell Crowe on Oprah, US, November 2003
The other one I liked from Paulo Coelho is “The Pilgrimage”.
2) The Life of Swami Vivekananda - By his Eastern and Western Disciples :
I had got this as a gift from Amity on my b'day in 2003. Swami Vivekananda has always inspired me for his unparallel views about spirituality. In fact most of the people (Joshi Panchangwale in particular) around me are very much influenced by him. It was a great read for me, in fact one of the best thing happened to me at that time was this book.
My favorite quote from this book : "I am a magician."
3) Pu La Deshpande :
Actually instead of writing a book name, I have written the writers' name. Because I can’t tell which book is the best. I have read almost each and every book from Pu La Deshpande! Here are few of them : Apoorvaae ,Khogir Bharati ,Batatyachi ChaL ,Vyakti aNi Valli, Maitra, GaNgot, Asa mi Asaamee
4) Partner (Marthi Book by V Pu Kale)
One of my favorite reads in my school/college days. I have read almost every book of short stories from V Pu Kale. My favorite quote is from the story “Mahotsav”!
It goes like this :
“Aamhi aayushyatil pratyek kshaN MAHOTSAV mhanun Jagato”
(We celebrate each and every moment in our lives as a festival).
5) Prabhat-Pushpa:
Collection of articles from V J Kotat which he used to write in Chitralekha. I remember I had literally searched most of the book stores in Mumbai to get copies of this book.
6) God Father:
This was the first English book I read. Absolutely loved. When I watched the movies, I loved it more.
Few books that I want read/finish:
Veronika Decides to Die – Paulo Coelho
Five Point Someone - Chetan Bhagat
The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
Microelectronics by Milman and Grabel - I was supposed to read this book in the second year of engineering. Basically it covers most of the fundamental semiconductor theory. But due to lack of time for study(!), I didn't read this book that time. But when I read this book in the final year, final semester, n’ I was literally in love with this book. I am still carrying this book everywhere I go. It is still with me and I want to finish this book one day!
Passing the Baton to others:
1. Abhay (use my comment box :D)
2. Abhijit
3. Shashank
4. GoodWillHunting
5. Confu
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