Count Down 11 : Apollo 13!
It all started last year when I landed here. Being here for more than a year now, I have definitely much to write about this place and the people around me. Hopefully I would write at least something every day till I leave this place. The name of the movie does not have any significance with the post!
To start with this count down series, let me share some highlights of my stay :
1) I had got habituated to lose quarters in the laundry. Sometimes, I used put coins in the washer which does not work and if by any chance if I put the coins in "working" washer, I used to put coin in a dryer and used to forget to press start! (Actually Washer starts working once u put coins, but for Dryer, even if you put coins, you need to press Start). So anyway I kept on losing quarters and my faith in washing!
The Outcome : I started going to Laundry once in two months. (Now ..don't call me Lazy :D)
2) My ex-roomie, N, is infamous for not collecting his salary cheque on time. Actually when our Manager sends mail that the cheques have arrived, everybody reaches his place in 5 mins. But this person goes there after 10-15 days, that too if he remembers it, most of the times he used to deposit it late in Bank too. I used to tease him on this. So at the start of month, he came to me and told me that he deposited his salary check in the account on the 3rd day of month. He was all excited. I just gave him a grin and asked which month's salary he had deposited. He thought for a moment and suddenly had a pale shade on this face. "ohh Shit .... I was one month late...that was my last month's salary!!!!"
3) Something, which happened very recently. My dear friend DL, was talking with a representative of Circuit city over phone. He was trying to explain her which camcorder he wanted to buy. The name was something like Sony DCR-DVD203. So she told him to spell it on phone. The way he explained it, we had laugh of our lives.
Just remember this is happening in US of A :
She : "Can you please spell out the model name again"
DL : "Yeah sure. D for Denzel (of Denzel Washington), C for Calcutta , R
for Russia "..and so on…
"C" for Calcutta was awesome. She must be wondering what the heck was that! After doing this phone saga, this person picked up the same model in the circuit city, after the buck-buck for 3 hours. By that time the other 3 people with him including yours faithfully were lingering over there like fools. I guess all the sales people over there had came to know that he wanted to purchase that particular handy cam. He didn't spare a single person over there! This is how everybody of them felt when we left the store!!

4) Recently I am pissed off with few words around me like "I will toke (read 'talk') to u", "hi Pole (real 'Paul')", "I already sented (read 'sent') u this document", "u know", "this Ourder (read 'order') is not present", "I understanded (read 'understood') it" and list is ever ending!!!
To add on, this happens everyday :(
About Apollo 13 :
This was one of the first movies I saw when I landed here in UStayAlone. Was very much touched by the performance of Tom Hanks. Here is my favorite dialogue from this movie :
This is the Last line, voice of Jim Lovell (Tom Hanks) :
"I sometimes catch myself looking up at the moon, remembering the changes of fortune in our long voyage, thinking of the thousands of people who worked to bring the three of us home. I look up at the moon, and wonder: When will we be going back? And who will that be? "
Probably I'll think of something like this when I'll see the map of this place :P
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