"Promotion"al News from PNN
PNN Reports: In today’s breaking news, we have finally got a confirmed news that Gaurav, the bartender at HillBrook, has been kicked off from his current grade as he is getting promoted to next level. As this person is very good friend of Mr. Mandar Prabhughate, CEO of PNN, Mr. Mandar decided to take his interview himself. ( Our rival News Agencies might spread news that there is no one left in the PNN except the so called CEO. And that is the main reason him being conducting interview. But please don’t take these agencies seriously. They might also try to prove that Mr. Mohit, the sleepless in HillBrook, has eventually threatened Mr. Mandar to conduct interview else he will not serve any more cocktails in the HillBrook Bar. But please don’t take them seriously. Mr. Mohit has also not threatened Mr. Mandar about doing all the stupid things he does everyday with all things in the cubicle of Mr. Mandar. There is no security threat to anything in Mr. Mandar’s cubicle like his name plate, his phone, his photos in the cubicle. These agencies are just trying to tarnish the image of PNN. ) Here are the excerpts from the Interview :
Our CEO : “So Mr. Gaurav, how do you feel after being kicked off? I mean from the current grade off course.”
Mr. Gaurav aka Bar Tender at Hill Brook : “I felt very emotional about getting kicked off from the grade where I was working for almost 3 years now. But I am happy with my performance. And boys played very well also. “
Errrr… I think Mohit gave too many cocktails to our CEO today. “boys played very well” is the famous and default dialogue from Mr. Mohammad Azharuddin. Where did it come from here? Seems our CEO has not taken the notes properly. Let me modify these notes!
Mr. Gaurav aka Bar Tender at Hill Brook : “I felt very emotional about getting kicked off from the grade where I was working for almost 3 years now. But I am happy with my performance. It feels very sad that I have to leave my current position. But that is life. You have to get along with it. Each day is a new match. “
Our CEO : “Good to know that! So what do you think motivated you to work hard and reach to this level?”
Mr. Gaurav aka Bar Tender at Hill Brook : “I think the most of the credit goes to the sleepless in Hill Brook! (Angrily) Saala Kaam ke naam pe Monika (name changed for our CEO’s security sake!) se chatting karata tha!
Our CEO :”Wait wait … Gaurav…! You are in front of Camera now. The all fans of PNN are watching you now, from India, from Swedan and from US as well.”
Mr. Gaurav aka Bar Tender at Hill Brook : “Ohh .. Sorry sorry! I meant to say that this guy used to do “pyari pyari baate” on chatting and I used to think that he is working hard. But when I go to office in the morning, I would see that whole work is still pending. I used to think that this guy is talking with some users on phone. But later I found out that those all calls were made to Monica! So that made me work even harder. Its not my fault!”
Our CEO : “So Gaurav, you will be getting increments in your pay. How would you like to spend them fruitfully?”
Mr. Gaurav aka Bar Tender at Hill Brook : “Off Course you will get one extra cocktail at Hill Brook Bar every Friday night at my cost. “
( I did not miss the chance to capture the grinning face of our CEO at this answer.)
Our CEO : “Well Gaurav. Thanks for that. Always appreciated! Tell some thing to the juniors who aspire to taste the success like you.”
Mr. Gaurav aka Bar Tender at Hill Brook : “Work hard. Watch hindi movies a lot, which will help you to sleep peacefully everyday. The peaceful sleep will make your BRAIN CELLS fresh to face fresh problems which you have to face every fresh day in our arena (No fresh here!).”
Our CEO : “Gaurav, can you tell something about your future plans to our viewers?”
Mr. Gaurav aka Bar Tender at Hill Brook : “Yes, certainly! I would like to continue my good work in the same way. Watch at least one HINDI movie every week which will help me work harder. Also I plan to go to gym which I am planning to go since a year now. I would like to take this opportunity to announce that finally myself and the sleepless (bug) in Hill Brook are going to gym from next week. And yes, don’t forget to mention that we are doing this announcement every week since few days now. That’s all about my plans.”
Our CEO : “Any Special Plans Gaurav? “
Mr. Gaurav aka Bar Tender at Hill Brook : (grining) “Well …. Hmm ……….I think I can’t see Vinay around….”
Our CEO : “Gaurav, you are blushing … and you haven’t answered my question and you are trying to change the subject. Are you in rush or something?.”.
Mr. Gaurav aka Bar Tender at Hill Brook : “No, I am not changing the subject. I never do that when anybody asks me about that. And yes I am in rush as there is an emergency request from the web team. So I am in rush. Ok, BYE!”
Special Note to all our readers :
PNN is a world famous News Agency, Prabhughate News Network, founded and run by CEO, Mandar Prabhughate. But now-a-days, he has stopped SPYing as he believes "NO NEWS" is a "GOOD NEWS". So don't worry guys, no body is watching you from PNN.
Hill Brook is not the name of any bar as such. It is an appt name where Gaurav, Mohit and Vinay are staying. Hope everybody is clear about this!
My Previous Post featuring all people in Hill Brook bar err.. sorry Apt. : Kissa "Gift" ka !
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