A Confession of a HELPLESS Tree

This happens every year! I have been suffering this since my birth! It seems YOU don't want me to LIVE in this world. You give me the hope of LIVING in summer, when you bestow upon me all the good things which YOU can! You give me the Sunshine which provides me the energy to LIVE. You give me the Fresh Air to let me blossom with leaves. They are my children. YOU flourish me with so many of them together. YOU give me enough resources to make my life happy and enjoyable. YOU make me believe that I am the HAPPIEST CREATION of YOUR MAGIC in this world!
And then YOU make me so comfortable that I always think that I can be YOU. I feel that YOU have given me enough privileges to LIVE on my own. I feel like being YOU! YOU give me strength. YOU give me POWER. YOU give me authority to challenge YOUR existence! This is the state where YOU start hating me. My existence is no longer worth for YOU! YOU create all sorts of conditions which make my life miserable. YOU give me no Sunshine and no fresh air. YOU make me lose my leaves. Have you ever felt the pain of losing YOUR dear ones like that? And then YOU make my life HARD by means of creating SNOW FALLs. It is the down FALL of YOUR faith and trust that YOU had shown on me! YOU are scared. YOU are feeling insecure with my existence and hence YOU try to destroy me .. just because I was challenging YOU?
But YOU only have created the fighting SPIRIT inside me! YOU have taught me to fight against all uncertainties and emerge as a WINNER since I was a mere seed. YOU help me getting sprouted through all kinds of adverse conditions. YOU taught me not to lose HOPE in any condition. I still remember all those abilities YOU installed inside me and sure I am gonna use them again to fight against YOU! I will fight against YOU ... not against YOUR existence ...but against YOUR attitude!
And I am sure that YOU have to lose one day! YOU have to give me every single thing which YOU have snatched from me. YOU have to return my SUMMER again one day!
I am still fighting ....standing strong and handsome against YOUR ATTITUDE!
P.S. Thought of putting one dialogue from The Devil's Advocate
"Let me give you little bit inside info about GOD. GOD likes to watch. HE is prankster! THINK about it ..."
"HE gives us instincts. HE gives us the extraordinary gifts and then..... What does he do???"
"I swear, for his own amusement, his own private cosmic gag reel, HE sets rules in oppositions..... that's the goof of all time!"
"Look but don't touch ..."
"Touch but don't taste... "
"Taste but don't swallow ...."
"And when you are jumping from one foot to the next ..what is HE doing???"
"HE is laughing at you. HE is sadist and HE is absentee land lord.."
"Worship that ???? "
"NEVER ! "
"Better to reign in HELL than serve in HEAVEN!"
- Al Pacino
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